Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What's (BIM) Life Without a Challenge?

Talking with collaborators in this BIM thing, conversing on the fact that there are a lot of opinions, but little actual 1:1 comparative data to review as to what is(are) the best tool(s) to use for producing AECO BIM at the current time...

We, in our quest to find the best possible (current) workflows and/or processes, we here at RFC would like to throw down a challenge!!!

The Precursor

The challenge's particulars will be created by those participating, first via conversations to find the important concepts that we will want to study, then via the actual challenge.

The Challenge

For now the concept is simple: Compare Revit, ArchiCAD & Rhino: Edit 02/11/2012: Add to that list Bentley (most likely) and Vectorworks!
  1. Modeling Capabilities
  2. ...Like we said, we will create more specifics as we get interested participants

The Need

We need the following expert users willing to participate (obviously):
Edit 02/11/2012: Bentley & Tekla still could use representation.
ArchiCAD Edit 02/11/2012:Team seems to be coming along
Rhino Edit 02/11/2012: One person in, I just emailed Bob Mcneel himself to see if there's interest.
-We have Revit covered, but if you are interested in handling the Revit side let us know, this may be a bigger challenge as time goes on, so who knows...

Your location is not an issue, as we can have the challenge combine remote participants, as well as live ones...

We posted this challenge on Twitter, as a test-bed of sorts, to see if any thoughts or interest arose and oddly enough there were a few comments that seemed strongly against such a challenge!!!

Based on that, we know we are on to something of interest ...you in???